
The Flower of Rhetoric (currently being revised, so unavailable) is a data sonification / sound art piece I made alongside students’ projects for our Spring 2023 graduate course “Ambience & Rhetoric.” The piece was funded by a CoLA Faculty Research Endowment Award.

Begun in 2016, object-a is a Bandcamp project to track my learning about field recording, acoustic experimentation, sound design, recording techniques, etc. It has been public from the beginning, mostly because I’ve been asking students to try new stuff in classes without being embarrassed or worrying about failing and it feels only fair and useful to have my own “trying” to point to. Ambience, experiments, drone, noise, and melodic things, too. All free. Some recent stuff is also on most streaming services (as object-a): Spotify, Apple Music, YouTube Music, Tidal, etc.

my YouTube channel of videos I’ve made to go with short sound/music projects and a few “performances,” including a constantly-updated playlist of video selections of about a minute from morning VCV Rack and Eurorack patches. These help some mornings when I can’t do anything else, when I need something to help me focus, and/or when I have an idea that’s not for writing.

Let’s Go Everywhere is a 2-hour long video I made to have something on while doing other stuff and consists of three years or so of (sometimes experimental) videos I made to accompany some of my ambient work, recorded to vhs tape on an unserviced vcr and then recorded back to digital.

What Will Have Been Cool: Notes on Hauntological and Hypnogogic Music” is an audio essay about nostalgia and music. Enculturation (2022). Audio, Video, and Text.

Ian Curtis,” two short audio essays thinking about the importance (for me) of Ian Curtis of Joy Division. Hyperrhiz: New Media Cultures, no. 23 (2021). Audio and Text.

Time & Place Machine is a low(er)-tech quadraphonic system made to let any user, regardless of experience, mix the audio of a place and/or a time to (re)produce an aural environment that references a given real or imagined place and /or time, but is also newly created via the mix.